Data Tables


Data Tables present raw data sets and lend meaning to the data, while maintaining that the data is readable, scannable, and easily comparable.

Standard Data Table

Stock Number Vehicle Name Payment Status Owner Name Amount
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Paid Joe R. $3,432.00
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Unpaid Joe R. $3,432.00
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Paid Joe R. $3,432.00
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Pending Joe R. $3,432.00
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Unpaid Joe R. $3,432.00
of 10

Flexible Data Tables

Flexible Data Tables are built with divs and CSS grid properties. This makes it very flexible, allowing data to be displayed in a infinite number of ways.

Make & Model
  • Chevrolet
  • Cruz Limited
  • $1500
  • Buy Now
  • Right Rear
  • Collision
  • Chevrolet
  • Cruz Limited
  • $1500
  • Buy Now
  • Right Rear
  • Collision
  • Chevrolet
  • Cruz Limited
  • $1500
  • Buy Now
  • Right Rear
  • Collision

Expandable Data Table

Expandable Data Tables allow a secondary data set to be hidden until requested by a user to be revealed.

1997 Honda Civic
Joe R

We're both adults. I can't pretend I don't know that person is you. I want there to be no confusion. I know I owe you my life. And more than that, I respect the strategy.

1997 Honda Civic
Joe R

We're both adults. I can't pretend I don't know that person is you. I want there to be no confusion. I know I owe you my life. And more than that, I respect the strategy.

1997 Honda Civic
Joe R

We're both adults. I can't pretend I don't know that person is you. I want there to be no confusion. I know I owe you my life. And more than that, I respect the strategy.

1997 Honda Civic
Joe R

We're both adults. I can't pretend I don't know that person is you. I want there to be no confusion. I know I owe you my life. And more than that, I respect the strategy.


If you needed more column to the table, You need to overwride the minmax number on your local CSS.


Javascript for Expand/Collapse All and Check/Uncheck All.

Bulk Action

View example

Bulk Action streamlines the proficient execution of specific tasks simultaneously, eliminating the need for repetitive actions.

Stock Number Vehicle Name Payment Status Owner Name Amount
789-00010273 1997 Honda Civic Paid Joe R. $3,432.00
789-00010274 2005 Toyota Camry Pending Jane D. $5,850.00
789-00010274 2005 Toyota Camry Pending Jane D. $5,850.00
Deselect All
Grand Total:$0,000.00 USD


Javascript for Bulk Actions

Mobile Data Tables

Mobile Data Tables are designed to be optimized in areas with limited real estate, such as mobile views or condensed views in a more complex layout. They are built with divs and flex-box properties to support RESS and adaptive layouts. Learn more about RESS

Make (A to Z)
  • A - #77 |SD - 8
  • 153,073 mi
  • Current Bid: $950
  • Run & Drive
  • A - #77 |SD - 8
  • 153,073 mi
  • Current Bid: $950
  • Run & Drive

Kendo Data Table

Kendo UI for jQuery view usage


The CSS for the Kendo Data Table is not included in the Component Library. However, there's a separate file with the styles that you can download below and include in your project.

Download Kendo Styles


This table requires Javascript to build.

Additional Classes

Class Name Component Add To Description
.table-header-sticky Expandable/Flexible Data Table .table-header Make table header stick to the top of browser on scroll.
.table-hover Data Tables .table Adds a hover effect to the table rows
.table-vertical-center Data Tables .table Align content vertically inside all its table cells
.table-horizontal-center Data Tables .table Align content horizontally inside all its table cells
.table-cell-vertically-center Data Tables .table-cell Align content horizontally inside a specific table cell
.table-cell-horizontal-center Data Tables .table-cell Align content horizontally inside a specific table cell